
Design Diary

Design Research, chronicles, insights, and learning journey beyond grids and pixels

14 Nov


Recent years have seen a UX renaissance driven by industry giants like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon, emphasizing user-centric solutions. This surge demands increased specialization, presenting opportunities and challenges for UX designers in navigating diverse roles and processes…

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05 Nov


User Experience Design (UXD) is a discipline that is frequently subject to misinterpretation, both by those outside the profession and by UX professionals within its ranks. This article aims to dissect some common myths and misconceptions about UX to foster a better understanding of what UX truly is…

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//Working Together

Got a Project?

Does your idea need a jumpstart? Or have dreams that haven’t gotten caught on yet? If you’re interested in hiring me to solve a design problem that you’re facing and help you make your ideas into a new reality, then I’ll be happy to work with you and your team.

If you don’t have the need right now but want to brainstorm, talk, or learn about my work, I’m always game for a conversation.